How to use WinDbg

How to use WinDbg

To get a first overview about how to use WinDbg, let's look at a simple case.

  1. In Start menu, type WinDbg and choose "WinDbg (x86) or WinDbg (x64)." If the target application (debuggee) is 32bit x86, use WinDbg (x86); and for 64bit x64 application, use WinDbg (x64). Alternatively, WinDbg.exe can be found in one of these dirctories (in case of Windows SDK 10).
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64  (64bit version) 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x86  (32bit version)
  2. Select [File] - [Open Executable] menu. In [Open Executable] dialog, type "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe". WinDbg will start calculator but stop immediately to allow debugger to control the calculator.
  3. Select [File] - [Symbol File Path] menu. Type "srv*" and check Reload. This will define Symbol path and reload symbols.
    sympath dialog
  4. Type "lm" (list module) command in input command window. Result will be shown in output window.
    lm command
  5. Type "g" (go) command in input command window. This will make the calculator running and then the calc dialog will be shown.
  6. In WinDbg, click Break toolbar (Ctrl+Break) on top. This will freeze calculator application and WinDbg will take control again.
  7. Type "k" (call stack) to view call stack. (There are many WinDbg commands to learn...)
  8. type "q" (quit) to quit application process. This will close calc process, not WinDbg.